
    中华鲍氏网 2011年4月11日 鲍氏族研会



2740 tert-teeth male birth anniversary of the end of  memorial activities in the Baoshan Shun Lee


    2011年 4月 5日,二百多鲍氏族人和有关方面的领导、专家学者汇聚泉城济南鲍山,举行了隆重的叔牙公诞辰2740周年活动;在叔牙公墓前举行了隆重的祭奠活动;下午又举办了叔牙公精神研讨会。整个活动弘扬了叔牙精神,形式丰富多样、隆重热烈、研讨会学术性强,开得十分成功。



 April 5, 2011, over two hundred and relevant Martin clan leaders, experts and scholars gathered Jinan Springs Martin Hill, held a grand uncle of public dental anniversary of the birth of 2740; in tert teeth Cemetery before a grand memorial activities held ; afternoon, held in the spirit of Uncle dental public seminars. Promote the activities of the spirit of tert teeth, form a rich and diverse, grand and warm, strong academic seminars, open very successful.
Half past nine, Uncle Martin's second-generation ancestor of public dental anniversary of the birth of 2740 Springs in the eastern suburbs of Jinan, Shandong, Martin held the foot. Martin executive vice president of the clan History Professor Martin Bank of China, presided over the meeting. Jinan Tourism Bureau Du and win, Yingshang Research Association, chairman of the CPPCC deer just tubes, "pipes Tribune" edited by Professor Zhang Yue and Li City, Martin Hill attended the meeting and the leadership of the Office of the podium table. History of Martin, vice president of the clan also Gang Bao, Bao training phase, Bowker jump, Baojia Hu, PROCEEDINGS red and some clan representatives sit in the front row. Powell's clan from home and abroad more than two hundred ranked teams to participate in the meeting.
Large portrait of Uncle teeth to the public podium against the backdrop of purple carpet flooring, solemn. 24-gun salute at the sound of the meeting to start. Gang Bao from Beijing, also on behalf of Martin Professor of History of the clan will be delivered the keynote speech. He recalled the 1997 Beijing ten teeth Uncle Martin's visit elderly public mausoleum, the total horse by Jinan Iron and Steel, the total range of support. For various reasons, not scheduled activities organized worship. Later, with the support of leaders at all levels, taking advantage of the spring breeze of reform, repair spectrum worship ancestors inherit and carry forward the fine tradition of a spiritual civilization construction of national important measure, we pay homage to ancestors of the activities to be carried out smoothly. He spoke highly of the public, and Guan-tert-teeth dating the highest level - "Bao Guan turn"; highly praised public Appreciating tert teeth Yin Jian, Kan under the broad human feelings; affectionate tribute to a public official tert teeth clean and clear straight, dare to commit words Zhijian, fair noble quality. He said: We are descendants of Martin's ancestors to have such great pride, we should inherit and carry forward the spirit of public-tert-teeth, dry up their own work, educate their children. Uncle teeth to the public, as always, as the state and the interests of the people, as friends like Uncle dental public, such as tert-like teeth of public official, as their careers as public tertiary teeth, due diligence, dedication to rejuvenate the Chinese nation building harmonious society and make its own contribution.
Jinan Municipal Bureau of Tourism Duju Zhang delivered a warm speech, he spoke highly of Baoshuya noble quality. Publicity Baoshuya sharp sense of integrity that is the promotion of spiritual civilization, but also for the promotion of tourism. History of the clan is willing to work hand in hand Bao Shu teeth do a good job of learning and the spirit of publicity. He wished the celebration a success.
Yingshang Pipe Research Association, spoke highly in his speech, Powell clan study of the history of the work. Of the tube, he said, can not leave the children of Martin. Tubes and Bao Son are inseparable. Bao Son is not recommended, there is no prime minister's position pipe, there is no reform and a strong Qi. Traced from Baoshuya Qi's dominance. Thus, from Confucius to Sima Qian, better than all praise Baoshuya of Guan Yin.
Representatives of the top ten private entrepreneurs clan, Mr. Bao Chengzhong educators, representatives of national minority clan hung actors PROCEEDINGS, representatives of overseas Chinese-American clan, Ms. Bao Lihua have to speak, praising Zu Gongzong Germany, said the Uncle must be carried forward dental public spirit, and the people of the community and make due contributions, worthy descendants of t dental public.
After the commemoration, representatives of public portraits have teeth in the bottom of tert autograph, under the portrait photography taken. Then we came together in the cemetery before tert-tooth, and pay tribute to their ancestors, the history of the great man.
Three-tier platform of tert teeth Cemetery around parapet around the Founder's being.Kirin two tall stone guard on both sides of the tomb, tombstone, "Zhou Qi Dafu Baoshuya Tomb" shiny red nine characters. A stone altar placed in the tomb before the middle of the table houses the chickens, fish, flowers, fruits and vegetables. The cemetery clean and spacious, solemn.
History of the clan Bao Bao, vice president, presided over the memorial activities and training phase; executive vice president of Bank of Christine Martin read a funeral oration (full text separately). Fifteen provinces Uncle Martin clan teeth to the cemetery presented a basket of flowers. Holding flowers, hand-held candles in the Martin clan, including men and women, including the various ethnic groups, including the Martin clan domestic overseas, flocked to the trend of the tomb, incense offerings. A moment later, the tomb has been filled with flowers, flowers into the ocean here. 2740 thoughts, t pleased to see that the teeth of public success and glory grandchildren; Martin's descendants were also tightly around this great ancestors in their side, the public's memory of the Uncle Albert Feng Gong teeth, as in the experience a spiritual baptism, after a distillation of the spirit, ... .....
Bao Shan, this is our land was named Powell, Uncle our ancestors final resting place of public dental. Martin clan is our source of blood, we all Martin's family clan is our Holy Land.
In the afternoon, workshops in the Museum held a three-Hung Teng, "Martin will research the history of the clan." Gang Bao, vice president also announced the name "Powell was named originated unfounded sense of crisis" (full text separately). Powell's emphasis on the time and was named Qi Shi Jing great-uncle the reasons discussed in depth, highly praised by the participants. Then, Jinan Iron and Steel "steel worker, the" leadership made a speech. He said: tert-Jinan Iron and Steel tooth spirit is an important part of corporate culture. Many of our two companies are the "Baldwin" name. Tert-teeth spirit is the spirit of Martin clan wealth, but also our spiritual wealth of Jinan Iron and Steel, or are we the whole nation, and even spiritual wealth of mankind. Virtuous to Yin, generous friendly, clean and upright is a necessary requirement to create a harmonious society.Science editor in chief of the tube Professor Zhang Yue, the Lu Qi culture and a comprehensive comparison of culture, but also on powerful state of Qi and the Failure of the reasons for the in-depth discussion. He also introduced the Shanghai Library collections of archaeological finds residue Jane reads: Uncle teeth of public and friends of Duke Xi Yan Zhijian guilty to avoid the big mistake Duke Huan, enriching the people to ensure the continuity of policies. Professor Zhang Yue logical and discusses the skills, the participants responded with warm applause.
Finally, the vice president of Martin Engineering training phase to convey the Bank's president, Professor Martin points opinion. One is to start the "Entrepreneurs Association"; The second is to promote the Martin clan History Network Platform.
Professor Martin executive vice president of Bank requirements, the memorial to the yearbook Bao Shan (Shandong clan is responsible), to a CD-ROM (Bao Xindong charge). Second, Uncle Martin Hill building public memorial dental problems. We want to co-ordinate the local government arrangements, the donor side, donors of heritage, in assisting the planning and design, make our contribution. Third, this year's annual meeting Tangyue problem. Tangyue clan meticulous work should ensure the meeting is successful. Fourth, the public dental plan to do a statue of Uncle, can collection.Everyone to see how? Fifth, to be held in commemoration of the Southern Song Dynasty Anhui Baozhao ancestors meeting people, this is a good thing. Huang Mei Bao Zhao's sleep is, he still Wenzhou, Nanjing, did the official place of birth is the East China Sea.We should help and who can register to participate.
The meeting in the organization has two characteristics: First, the "memorial" "Symposium" for the banner, invited to the relevant government departments and academic organizations to participate and improve the activity level. Second, the commercial operation of the test, an increase financing channels.
Martin clan were about to leave the hill. However, Uncle Martin Hill and into the teeth of public spirit has been our soul. We will be a new attitude, into the society and life, to strive, to sacrifice, to make friends, to business. We are determined to inherit and carry forward the spirit of public-tert-tooth, for revitalizing the Chinese nation, building a harmonious society and work hard, take practical actions to cherish the memory of Uncle dental public, prove worthy of the descendants of t dental public.

                                                                                                                     Writer: Bao Hua Yin

