- 中华沙氏网 2013年5月24日 万家姓
大连理工大学航空航天学院,教授,博士生导师主要学历及工作经历2002年10月-2005年9月:日本京都大学,能源学博士,日本文部省国费奖学金。2000年7月-2003年9月:中国原子能科学研究院,工学博士。1997年7月-2000年7月:中国原子能科学研究院,工学硕士。1990年9月-1994年7月:宁夏大学,物理与电子信息工程系,理学学士。(1)2002年12月-2003年3月:日本京都大学先进能源与理工学研究所,兼任研究助手,由日本文部省COE(Center Of Excellence)资助.(2)2004年6月-2005年3月:日本京都大学先进能源与理工学研究所,兼任研究助手,由日本文部省COE(Center Of Excellence)资助.2005年10月-2007年11月:受日本学术振兴会资助(JSPS: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science),作为日本学术振兴会特别研究员在京都大学国际创新中心 (International Innovation Center)从事合作研究.2007年11月-2009年5月:西南交通大学教授。2008年4月-2009年5月:洪堡学者,受德国洪堡基金会(Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)资助在德国巴伐利亚州拜罗伊特大学从事合作研究。目前:大连理工大学教授。学术兼职:受邀担任以下国际期刊的审稿人:Composite Science and TechnologyJournal of Materials ScienceJournal of Composite MaterialsMaterials Science and Engineering B日本金属学会会员(Member of Japan Institute of Metals)研究领域和在研课题:主要研究航空航天领域热防护系统结构和高性能复合材料。采用实验和数值模拟研究相结合对材料结构和性能进行优化与设计,改善复合材料的热力耦合性能和强韧性。本领域研究课题具有很好的国际国内合作关系,可以通过开展国际、国内合作来从事复合材料相关的前沿课题研究。指导硕士和博士研究生方向:复合材料界面数值计算与分析先进复合材料结构优化设计复合材料制备与表征材料结构热-力耦合材料与环境之间的交互作用近五年主要业绩:近五年来负责多项纵向研究项目,在国外专业期刊和会议发表学术论文40多篇。多次在专业领域内国际会议上将自己的研究成果进行报告并于同行进行学术交流。完成两本编著。获得主要学术奖励情况:1.德国洪堡基金会(AvH Foundation:Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)研究奖学金。2.日本学术振兴会(JSPS:Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)研究奖励费。3.日本文部省(MEXT:Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)囯费奖学金。近五年主要论文:J.J. Sha, T. Hinoki, A. Kohyama, Microstructure evolution and high-temperature mechanical properties of Hi-Nicalon Type S fiber annealed and crept under various oxygen partial pressures, Materials Characterization, 2009, 60:796-802.J. J. Sha, S. Ochiai, S. Iwamoto, K. Morishita, H. Okuda, Y. Waku, N. Nakagawa and A. Mitani, T. Ishikawa, “Residual strain in YAG phase of directionally solidified eutectic Al2O3/YAG ceramic composite by X-ray diffraction and finite element analysis”, Collected in the Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-16), 2007, Kyoto, Japan.J. J. Sha, S. Ochiai, H. Okuda, S. Iwamoto, Y. Waku, N. Nakagawa and A. Mitani “Residual stresses in directionally solidified eutectic Al2O3/YAG ceramic composite by X-ray diffraction”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2008, 28 (12): 2319-2324.J.J. Sha, T. Hinoki, A. Kohyama, Thermal and mechanical stabilities of Hi-Nicalon fiber under annealing and creep in various oxygen partial pressures,Corrosion Science, 2008, 50(11): 3132-3138.S. Ochiai, S. Ikeda, S. Iwamoto, J. J. Sha, H. Okuda, Y. Waku, N. Nakagawa, A. Mitani, M. Sato and T. Ishikawa, Residual Stresses in YAG of Melt Growth Al2O3/YAG Eutectic Composite Estimated by Indentation Fracture Test and Finite Element Analysis, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2008, 28 (12): 2309-2317.J. J. Sha, T. Hinoki, and A. Kohyama, “Microstructural characterization and fracture properties of SiC-based fibers annealed at elevated temperatures”,Journal of Materials Science, 42, 2007, pp: 5046-5056.S. Ochiai, Y. Sakai, K. Kuhara, S. Iwamoto, J.J. Sha, “Analytical modeling of stress-strain behavior at 1873 K of alumina/YAG composite compressed parallel and perpendicular to the solidification direction,” Composite Science and Technology, 67 (2007): pp 270-277.J. J. SHA, T. Hinoki, and A. Kohyama, “Tensile properties and microstructure characterization of Hi-Nicalon SiC fibers under loading,” International Journal of Fracture, Vol. 142 (2006): pp 1-8.J. J. Sha, J. S. Park, T. Hinoki, and A. Kohyama, “Microstructural characterization and Fracture properties of advanced SiC fibers under loading,”Materials Science and Engineering: A, (2007), 456: pp 72-77.J. J. Sha, J. S. Park, T. Hinoki, and A. Kohyama, “Strength and fracture properties of advanced SiC-based fibers”, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Vol. 42, No. 6, (2006):pp 527-534.J. J. Sha, J. S. Park, T. Hinoki, and A. Kohyama, “Bend stress relaxation of advanced SiC-based fibers and its prediction to tensile creep” Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 39 (2), (2007): pp 175-182.J. J. Sha, J. S. Park, T. Hinoki, and A. Kohyama, “Heat treatment effect on creep behavior of polycrystalline SiC-based fibers,” Materials Characterization, Vol. 57 (1), (2006): pp 6-11.J. J. Sha, J.S. Park, T. Hinoki, A. Kohyama, “Hot corrosion, Oxidation and their effects on tensile strength of SiC fiber in alkaline melts,” Materials transaction, JIM, 46 (5) (2005) 1032-35.J. J. Sha, J.S. Park, T. Hinoki, A. Kohyama, J. Yu, “Tensile properties and creep behavior of SiC-based fibers under various oxygen partial pressures,”Materials Science forum, Vols. 475-479 (2005):pp 1333-1336.J. J. Sha, T. Nozawa, J.S. Park, T. Hinoki, and A. Kohyama, “Tensile properties of SiC-based fibers under crept condition”, Proceedings of the 8th Japan-China Symposium on Materials for Advanced Energy Systems and Fission & Fusion Engineering,October 4 - 8, 2004 Sendai, JAPAN.J. J. Sha, T. Nozawa, J.S. Park, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, “Effect of heat treatment on the tensile strength and creep resistance of advanced SiC fibers, ”Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vols. 329-333 (2004): pp 592-596.J.S. Park, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, J.K. Lee, J. J. SHA, H.K. Yoon, “Tailoring the microstructure of hot-pressed SiC by heat treatment,” Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vols. 329-333, (2004):pp 558-561.Gang Yu, Xiaoqiang Li, Jianjun Sha, et al, “Research on the performance and experimental energy calibration of charged particle spectrometer-identificator,” Chinese Journal of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 24, (2004):pp 12-19.Gang YU, Xiaoqiang LI, Jianjun SHA et al., “Recoils spectrum and distribution in SiCf/SiC composites irradiated by neutrons,” Chinese Journal of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol. 24, (2004):pp139-143.J. J. Sha, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, “Recent progress and critical issues of SiCf/SiC composite under irradiation environments,” Plasma Science & Technology, Vol.5, No. 5, (2003):pp 1965-1975.J. J. Sha, M. Hauscherr, W. Krenkel, Fiber/matrix interfacial bonding properties at the CFRP step of C/C-SiC fabrication process, 2009, Aril. 1-4, Germany Ceramic Society conference, Bayreuth, Germany.J. J. Sha, M. Hauscherr, W. Krenkel, The influence of thermal treatment of carbon fibers on the interfacial shear strength during the pyrolysis of CFRP to C/C composites, The proceedings of the 11th International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, 2009, Jun 21-25, Cracow, POLAND.专著出版情况:Jianjun Sha, 英文专著独立章节发表在“Strength of Materials”一书中,2009, ISBN: 978-1-60741-500-8, Nova Science Publisher,New York, U.S.A.Jianjun Sha, Shojiro Ochiai et al., 发表英文专著独立章节在“Ceramic and Polymer Matrix Composites”一书中, Nova Science Publisher, New York,U.S.A. In press.会议发表:J. J. Sha, M. Hauscherr, W. Krenkel, Correlation between processing, microstructgure and performance of carbon fiber reinforced C-SiC composite, 2008, Oct. 8-10. Presentation at Alexander Von Foundation meeting, Darmstadt, Germany.J. J. Sha, M. Hauscherr, W. Krenkel, Fiber/matrix interfacial bonding properties at the CFRP step of C/C-SiC fabrication process, 2009, Aril. 1-4, Oral presentation at German Ceramic Society conference, Bayreuth, Germany.J. J. Sha, M. Hauscherr, W. Krenkel, The influence of thermal treatment of carbon fibers on the interfacial shear strength during the pyrolysis of CFRP to C/C composites, Oral presentation at the 11th International Conference and Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society, 2009, Jun 21-25, Cracow, POLAND.J. J. Sha, S. Ochiai, S. Iwamoto, K. Morishita, H. Okuda, Y. Waku, N. Nakagawa and A. Mitani, T. Ishikawa, “Effect of microstructure on residual stress and its distribution in DSE by numerical analysis”, Oral presentation at 2007 fall meeting of Japan Institute of Metals, Gifu University, Nagoya, Japan, Sep. 19-22, 2007.J. J. Sha, S. Ochiai, S. Iwamoto, K. Morishita, H. Okuda, Y. Waku, N. Nakagawa and A. Mitani, T. Ishikawa, “Residual strain in YAG phase of directionally solidified eutectic Al2O3/YAG ceramic composite by X-ray diffraction and finite element analysis”, Oral presentation as specialist at the 16th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM-16), 2007, Kyoto, Japan.J. J. Sha, S. Ochiai, H. Okuda, Y. Waku, N. Nakagawa and A. Mitani, “Residual stresses in directionally solidified eutectic Al2O3/YAG ceramic composite by X-ray diffraction”, Oral presentation at Fall meeting of Japan Institute of Metals, Sept., 16-18, 2005, Nigata University, Japan.S. Ochiai, S. Ikeda, S. Iwamoto, J. J. Sha, H. Okuda, Y. Waku, M. Nakagawa, A. Mitani, M. Sato and T. Ishikawa, “Residual Stresses in YAG of Melt Growth Al2O3/YAG Eutectic Composite Estimated by Indentation Fracture Test and Finite Element Analysis,” Oral presentation at 2nd Directionally Solidified Eutectic Ceramics Workshop, December 4th-6th, 2006, Kyoto, JAPAN.J. J. Sha, S. Ochiai, H. Okuda, Y. Waku, N. Nakagawa and A. Mitani “Residual stresses in YAG phase of directionally solidified eutectic Al2O3/YAG ceramic composite”, Presented at the 2nd Directionally Solidified Eutectic Ceramics Workshop, December 4th-6th, 2006, Kyoto, JAPAN.J. J. Sha, T. Nozawa, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, “Mechanical property and microstructure of SiC/SiC composite” (subtitle: The first trial of large scale production by NITE process), presented at the 1st COE (Center Of Excellence) international symposium on the sustainable energy system, March 13-14, 2003, Campus Plaza Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan.J. J. Sha, T. Nozawa, J.S. Park, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, “Effect of heat treatment on the creep behavior of silicon carbide fibers”, Oral presentation at Fall meeting of Japan Institute of Metals, October, 11-14, 2003, Hokkaido university, Japan.J.S. Park, J. K. Lee, J. J. Sha, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, “Heat treatment effect on the oxidation behavior of LPS SiC,” Oral presentation at Fall meeting of Japan Institute of Metals, Oct. 11-14, 2003, Hokkaido University, Japan.J. J. Sha, T. Nozawa, J.S. Park, Y. Katoh, A. Kohyama, “Effect of heat treatment on the tensile strength and creep resistance of advanced silicon carbide fibers”, presented at ICFRM11, December, 7-12, 2003, Kyoto, Japan.Yu Jinnan, Wu Yican, Sha Jianjun, et al, “Neutron radiation effects of the center conductor post in a spherical tokamak reactor, presented at ICFRM10, Oct. 10-16, Barden-Barden, Germany.J. J. Sha, T. Nozawa, J.S. Park, T. Hinoki, and A. Kohyama, “Creep resistance and tensile properties of advanced SiC fibers under severe environments”, presented at the 2nd domestic symposium for 21st century COE program, March, 8-9, 2004, Kyoto University, Japan.J. J. Sha, T. Nozawa, J.S. Park, T. Hinoki, A. Kohyama, “Environmental effects on creep resistance and microstructure of SiC fibers”, Oral presentation at Spring meeting of Japan Institute of Metals, March 30-Apri. 1, 2004, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan.J. J. Sha, T. Nozawa, J.S. Park, T. Hinoki, and A. Kohyama, “Tensile properties of SiC-based fibers under crept condition”, Oral presentation at the symposium of Fifth Nuclear Fusion Society, June 17-18, 2004, Sendai, Japan.J. J. Sha, J.S. Park, T. Hinoki, A. Kohyama, “Tensile properties and microstructural characterization of SiC-based fibers under crept conditions”, Oral presentation at symposium of 2nd International School of Energy Science, July 19-20, 2004, Rajamagara Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.J. J Sha, J.S. Park, T. Hinoki, and A. Kohyama, “Hot corrosion, oxidation and their effect on the tensile properties of SiC-based SiC fibers in alkaline melts”, Oral presentation at Fall meeting of Japan Institute of Metals, Sep. 28-31, 2004, Akita University, Japan.J. J. Sha, J.S. Park, T. Hinoki, A. Kohyama, “Tensile Behavior and Fracture Surface Characterization of SiC-based Fibers under Applied Load”. Oral presentation at the 8th Japan-China Symposium on Materials for Advanced Energy Systems and Fission & Fusion Engineering October 4 - 8, 2004 Sendai, JAPAN.J. J. Sha, J.S. Park, T. Hinoki, and A. Kohyama, “Tensile properties and creep behavior of SiC-based fibers under various oxygen partial pressures”.Oral presentation at the Fifth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing (PRICM5), Nov. 2-5, 2004, Beijing, China.J. J. Sha, J.S. Park, T. Hinoki, and A. Kohyama, “Oxidation and Hot corrosion of SiC materials in alkaline melts”, presented at the 2 International Symposium on Sustainable Energy System, Kyoto University, Dec. 17-18, 2004, Kyoto Univeristy, Kyoto, Japan.J. J Sha, J.S. Park, T. Hinoki, and A. Kohyama, “Oxidation and corrosion of SiC materials in alkaline melts”, oral presentation at Spring meeting of Japan Institute of Metals, March, 29, 2005, Yokohama National University, Japan.
